Wednesday, June 25, 2014


It was a ferocious battle last night between the Sea Dragons!  Our Scotts Mill Sea Dragons, swam their fastest until the bitter end, fighting for ever point!

Unfortunately the outcome of the score has not been finalized!  The officials have not signed the score sheets as of yet, because of a disqualification discrepency.

Please stay tuned and we will update you as soon we receive the official news.  Our TSA official Carol Medins, worked very hard last night to keep the meet competitive, fair, and running smoothly.  She is working hard, now after the meet,  to ensure that we  get the correct scoring results too.

Thank you to all of the amazing coaches who cheered and kept our swimmers swimming fast until the end.   Thank you to our phenomenal volunteers who got the kids to their correct places for all of the races, the place judges and stroke and turn judges, who called the meet fairly, and the large vast of parents who behind the scenes, kept the meet running smoothly.

Stay tuned for the official score!

Go Sea Dragons!

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